Thursday, November 26, 2015

User Experience Design: Top 5 Reasons Why It Is So Important RIGHT NOW!

Did you know...

Every $1 invested in User Experience (UX) can have a return of up to $100 for your business. - @UXmotel

But, what is User Experience Design? Watch the video below to find out!

According to Jose Caballer and Chris Do, User Experience Design (UXD) is "The process of enhancing user satisfaction by improving the usability, accessibility and pleasure provided in the interaction between the user and a product”. Following diagram brainstorms briefly what UXD is all about.

UX Design has been a hot topic in recent months. But why is it so important? Below are 5 top reasons why User Experience Design is so important today:

1. Personalizing the experience:

Vast amount of information is now available online. Designers use various metrics on user behavior, geographical and demographics to personalize the user experience through content and design. UX design creates a productive and engaging personalized user experience through monitoring process, collection and analysis of visitor behavior.

2. Increasing searchability:

Through the UX design, information is formatted, labeled and structured well for everyone to be able to access and comprehend the content. The techniques used in UX Design, ensures the sites are easy to find, connecting both people and search engines in the vast pool of information and data.

3. User friendly:

It allows for users to easily navigate web pages and understand how to use it. Adopting UX Design will ensure visitors come back for more. For example, UX Design can be specially meaningful for intricate or in-depth websites. Why? Because this will allow the target audience to learn navigating online content in a sift.

4. Great for complex systems:

As the system gets more complex the planning and architecture have to be jeven more involved . For this, UX Design will certainly make the process easier for multi-faceted websites, interaction-rich Web applications and e-commerce websites.

5. Time and cost saving:

UX designers are able to lessen the work load for Web designers and developers through taking on some of their tasks. This saves both time and cost during revision process.

For those that are interested, I strongly suggest you to check out UX Design. If you have a general curiosity for everything, love to question and like to make systems better and easier for everyone, you can be a UX designer in the future. 

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